We accept admissions by referral only. A referral is usually made by either Stoke on Trent or Staffordshire Local Authority or directly by schools.
When we are approached to take a student we will normally be supplied with a referral form or provide a template document to be filled in. We review the referral form and combined with conversations with relevant people we determine if we feel we can meet the students needs. If we determine we can meet the students needs we will then invite the student and parent/carer to come and visit the school. If they are happy to attend with us we will then complete the admissions paperwork and provide them with their admissions pack.
The admissions pack contains all the information the student needs to be successful while attending Alpha. It includes basic information regarding term dates, a typical day, what to wear, lunch arrangements, attendance, key contacts etc. But importantly it also contains the behaviour contract, this sets out the key expectations that you can expect to be met by us, and what we expect both the student and parent/carer to meet.
We will facilitate the introduction to a normal school day at Alpha tailored for each student. Within the first 3 weeks of starting to attend we will undertake baseline assessment in Maths, English and SEMH.